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Best Method To Make Penis Larger Will Provide Permanent Size Gains

What's the best method to make the penis larger that provides permanent size gains? Male enlargement is on a lot of guys minds these days, especially since technology has made it quite possible to achieve a larger penis permanently.
However, virtually every male enlargement product claims to provide the permanent results that men are looking for - a larger penis.
Methods used include patches, pills, pumps, weights, surgery, exercises, & devices. That's a wide variety of methods to enlarge the penis which means there is a lot of information that needs to be sorted out to find the best method.
Research has indicated the following:
Penile pumps & weights are dangerous and should be avoided for any type of enlargement. Both of these methods can cause serious injury to your manhood & shouldn't be used to make a larger penis size.
Patches & pills are temporary male enhancement solutions only. The FDA has not approved either of these methods to make the penis larger permanently. They can only give you a harder (not larger) erection & they may have unseen side effects even though the manufacturers will claim there are none.
Penile enlargement surgery is a proven method to make the penis larger, but the risks (and costs) are still very high even though advancements in surgical techniques have been made. Typical success rate is only around 35% & the possibility of impotency is very real.
Enlargement exercises is a clinically proven method to make a larger penis size. The only drawback with this is that you must remain highly dedicated & patient as size gains take a while to achieve. However, for those that stick with it a permanently larger penis can be achieved.
Extenders or traction devices are the newest method for enlarging the penis. Thats where medical technology has improved the chances for permanent male enlargement the most. The devices operate on the medically approved (& proven) principle of traction which has been shown to enlarge soft & even hard tissue such as bone if given enough time. Traction will easily make a penis larger.
So in conclusion, extender devices are the best method to make the penis larger. Safe, fast gains can be made using this method, & the penile size gains are permanent. Faster gains than penile enlargement exercises & larger gain potentials makes this method the best. However, if exercises are used to augment gains then results can be even better than with the penis enlargement device alone.
Do you want to find out which male enlargement system is the best method to make the penis larger []? Please visit [] for more information. This article is copyright(c) by John Marshall & this resource box must be fully included if reprinting.
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